Allen College of Homoeopathy alongside Bengal Allen Medical Institute, run the Kamala Banerjee Memorial Fund, a charity supporting the poorer people of Calcutta, by providing free homoeopathic treatment in the slums of Calcutta, as well as free milk to orphans and children living the in the slums since 1986.
Approximately 250 people benefit from the services run by the charity every week. We have a mobile van which has been been purpose-fitted with storage for homoeopathic medicines, which has been running since 1992, entirely supported by donations

‘Bringing Homoeopathy to the Slum Dwellers of Calcutta’
Janet Robinson-Banerjea and friends of the charity regularly raise funds to provide milk for the children and a free homoeopathic mobile clinic which serves various slums in Calcutta.
Dr. Subrata Kumar Banerjea is the Director of the Charity with his brother Joy who runs the project on site. Our project co-ordinator, Janet Robinson, writes:
” We visited the site in South Calcutta where the van goes each Thursday. It was pouring with rain but this was no deterrent to the bare footed slum dwellers who either queued for milk at the rear of the van or at the side for homoeopathic prescriptions. Patients with all kinds of problems came for treatment, and because it was the rainy season, acute diarrhoea, tonsillitis and asthma were common.
Many of the chronic conditions presenting were due to ‘wet weather aggravates’ so there were plenty of patients with rheumatic symptoms and on this day a fair proportion of women’s ailments such as dysmenorrhea and vague abdominal pains. There were many new patients and follow-ups which was encouraging. About forty patients were seen in this session and about thirty children given milk.”
To keep things running, we need your help. Donations are used to pay for the van maintenance, petrol, milk and staff payments (we employ a local woman to distribute the milk and a local female homoeopathic doctor).
With your support we will be able to expand the project to more of the slum areas and to some of West Bengal’s remote villages where the people have no access to any form of medical treatment.
Your contribution will get right to the heart of the project. Only essential expenses are taken from the donations.