Student Testimonials
Read our students' testimonials from around the world
“I was first introduced to homeopathy by a veterinarian who treated my cat. Since I was so intrigued I also decided to be treated by a homeopath. I was so impressed with the whole case taking procedure noting that no conventional doctor had ever taken the time to get to know me so well. When I left my consultation, I said to myself, “I want to be a homeopath.” I studied in Canada to get my practitioners level and then set up practice. It wasn’t long before I realized that even with my diploma, I really wasn’t ready to tackle the rmost difficult cases. Something was missing.Then I was introduced to the Allen College of Homoeopathy and Dr. Subrata Banerjea. Before studying with him, I decided that my mother should consult with him and then I should myself as well. My mother is 84 and vibrant. Dr. Banerjea has kept her healthy now for 7 years after she had suffered a stroke from a 100% blocked carotid artery. Her other artery is partially blocked. The conventional doctors were all annoyed with me for not allowing her to take conventional drugs. Now they are impressed with how well she is doing without their drugs. As long as Dr. Banerjea cares for her, I know she will enjoy a quality life. She amazes our family and friends.
I went to the Allen College for summer school and then enrolled in the 2 year Post Grad program. My level of knowledge has increased 10 fold and my confidence in treating the more difficult cases has as well. What is so impressive is the depth of the training, the focus on miasmatic prescribing and the invaluable clinical tips that Dr. Banerjea shares from this own experience as well as his ancestors’. Live case studies are not only interesting but chalk full of valuable insights on how to get to the right remedy and watch the beauty of the case unfold.
I highly recommend this college. You will come out strong and confident in your methodology knowing you will get results.”
Anita Nicholson, P.G.Hom
Nova Scotia, Canada
“I have discovered homeopathy after my first son was born, it was a natural break in my previous carrier in business management and I was looking for a field that would expand my horizon. I came across a course with Homeopathic Academy in Prague, ever since I have attended the first session, I knew that I have discovered a new passion in life, I have always been intrigued by holistic approach to health and as well by human psyche and homeopathy combined these so wonderfully for me. I have studied with another Homeopathic faculty and as well attended courses teaching Massimo Mangliavori’s approach to homeopathy.
But only when I signed up for postgraduate course with Allen College, I have discovered what I have been searching for. Practical and very thorough methodical course, teachings that I could apply straight away to my practice. Dr Banerjea is a wonderful teacher and his teaching of miasmatic approach was eye opening for me – up to this course I have considered the miasmatic approach very complex and confusing, but Dr Banerjea tought us how to apply it, how to see the miasma in every patient, every condition through explanation of demonstration of each miasma. I loved as well the clinical tips we have received throughout the course, sharing the ancestral experience. I have attended as well the Calcutta Clinical program at Bengal Allen Medical Institute, which gave me a wonderful opportunity to see these teachings being applied in practice. I would highly recommend both the Postgraduate course and Clinical Calcutta program.
I am now organizing together with my colleague continuous education courses with Dr Banerjea in Prague focusing on Clinical Materia Medica. I run my homeopathic practice in Prague.”
Jana Stumpova Konicarova, B.Comm, P.G.Hom.
Registered homeopath with Czech Association of Homeopaths.
“I am teaching medical sciences in Allen College for a good number of years.
Although I am not a graduate of this college, I believe that Allen College has enormously enriched my knowledge in homeopathy through attending the summer, Calcutta and postgraduate courses.
It has enabled me to complement my medical knowledge (which is originally in the field of medical allergy and immunology) , I strongly believe that this science has already answered the puzzled questions of how to heal the immune system not to suppress it and therefore achieve the real cure .
The Allen College name in classical homeopathy has become internationally well known. Its high reputation has been achieved as a result of the hard and committed work of the president and vice president and above all from every graduate of this college. The amazing thing is that every student feels that he/she has a strong link to the college even after graduation (a sign rarely seen among the graduates anywhere else!).They always take part happily in all sorts of the educational , social and administrative activities of the college,it is a real sign of great success.”
Dr. Olfat Ismail, Egypt & U.K.
Coming from medical backgrounds (am a G.P), I have started homeopathy studies by accident at the end of 2005 at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. Few years later I have progressed to obtain MF Hom. My real curve of learning and developing passion for homeopathy when I met Dr Banerjea for my first Summer School 2006.
I found myself entering a new world from the best teacher in the world, I have considered myself to be lucky to learn classical homeopathy from a great teacher 7 true master.
I have followed Dr B everywhere; I have been to India twice 2007 & 2012; where I learnt how to treat difficult pathology also fast prescribing in the slum clinics.
I also have attached myself to the Post Graduate course which is of 2 years, now I am on my third post graduate course for the third time which is due to end in December 2013. I have collected over 103,700 words for clinical tips and describing every medicine and learnt easy ways to find the remedy using miasm, from Dr. B, who is the Master of Miasm.
Also I learnt how to dissect the cases and come to the right medicine, and how to “Wait & Watch” with right remedy and never change or touch the case until needed.
I attend summer school every year and the subjects discussed every year is different with full of new materials for learning including live cases and cured cases.
I have learnt so much but with Dr. B and you can never stop learning his classes. Also he is always very interactive and every time you will learn something new. If I cannot attend in person, I connect through the internet through his excellent technical support team which made my life easy which means I will never miss an event or a chance to listen to Dr. B, the great teacher.
I have attended so many other seminars by different homoeopaths, but my true knowledge and confidence comes from the Allen College and from Dr. B.
He taught me to be confident and to remove my medical hat and just think homeopathically. Now when I meet patients, I never think what is his medical diagnosis or treatment but what his remedy is. He taught me how to look and observe people and how they behave and talk and accordingly spot the medicine; this is his speciality, as well.
I highly recommend Allen College for Under Graduate, Post Graduate Courses and the Summer School, and above all for memorable moments in your life in India.
Also I must add, Dr. B being my Homeopath, he has supported me and helped me over the years, he is always there to listen and support.
Dr. Tag Sheriff, M.B.Ch.B; M.R.C.G.P (England); M.F. Hom.
“I was first introduced to Homeopathy by a German pediatrician for my son’s teething complaints. I had never heard of Homeopathy before much less had a medical doctor tell me my child did not need Tylenol for his teething but rather something called Pulsatilla. Unable to speak German and the doctor unable to speak much English, I was left with a note to give to the pharmacist requesting this “drug” called Pulsatilla. Being curious as to what I was supposed to be giving my child, I scoured the Internet for information on Pulsatilla and my homeopathic education began. Fast forward 9 years and many Introduction to Homeopathy classes later, I stumbled across a link to Allen College’s Summer School course and signed up. Not knowing exactly what to expect but very much interested in the topic I was greatly impressed with the school, especially the clinic days. The opportunity to observe someone in a remedy state that I had only read about was invaluable for me gaining a deeper understanding of homeopathy. Dr. Banerjea’s explanation of the various polychrests remedies was excellent. His lectures included details of what the client will say when making the appointment to how they will dress, all of which help point you in the right direction. I left for Allen College’s Summer School thinking I would be taking a week-long course and resuming my life. Never did I imagine that one week at Allen College would lead me to signing up as a student for the fall term.”
Maria Adair, Germany.
“Dr Subrata Banerjea was introduced to me as a visiting teacher in my college. We learned Miasmas from him very thoroughly, which I found later it was really privileged to have that knowledge deeply. He taught us Materia Medica based on Keynotes and clinical tips, which I appreciate so much for it now consists solid foundation of my practice.
I joined Dr Banerjea’s Post-Graduate course several months after the first encounter with him. At the beginning, because I was a first grade student in my college, and my English was not sufficient to communicate fully, it was tough to digest everything in the class room. Understanding had come to me yet slowly but steady. I then had known that how far we can serve human with Homoeopathy.
I once had a bit doubt on classical prescribing. At the very first time of attending his teaching clinic I was astonished by seeing a long standing case cured by only single dose of single remedy. It revealed me the magnificent potentials of tiny globules.
Dr. Banerjea’s teachings are at all therapeutic in every aspects, especially in Post-Graduate course. It helped me a lot. I noticed it recently when I have finished my college and started my practice. Most of my methods are largely influenced by these teachings. I often see favourable results when I could find and apply the therapeutic tips correctly.”
Reiko Mori Dip. Hom.
“Homoeopathy lived through its golden age in numerous homoeopathic hospitals in America in the 19th century dividing later on into two main branches of Kent’s direct followers – the repertorization branch adopted and developed by Switzerland represented by Pierre Schmidt and then Jost Künzli and Dr Dario Spinedi’s modern clinic and the Materia Medica branch accepted mostly by Calcutta.
Dr Subrata Kumar Banerjea is the brightest representative of the Calcutta school of homoeopathy who managed to analyze and systematize and memorize almost everything in the classical Materia Medica and miasms theory and being open-minded and kind-hearted and loving homoeopathy and his patients with his whole heart he skillfully conveys his knowledge to his students.
The friendly staff at Allen College provides fundamental knowledge of the Materia Medica and classical miasms, deep analysis of Hahnemann’s Organon, shows unique methodology of finding a similar remedy which allows to make prompt and efficient prescriptions – MTEK (M= Miasmatic Totality, T = Totality of Symptoms, E = Essence (should include gestures, postures, behaviours etc), K = Keynotes (which should encompass PQRS symptoms, refer §153 and §209 of Hahnemann’s Organon). Clinical analyses at Allen College and the clinical internship in Calcutta bring to life and link to practice the Materia Medica theoretical knowledge and give a true impression of what everyday clinical homoeopathic practice in India is like, provide persuasive evidence of the effectiveness of homoeopathy in curing many serious diseases. Such effective homoeopathy has a great future! But its followers have to work really hard to obtain this knowledge and learn to apply it in their clinical practice.
Studying at College also allows to get the feel of the refined spiritual and cultural traditions of India. While going through the internship in Calcutta you will participate in Puja and see Indian dances.
After 20 years of studying homoeopathy, first in Russia and then in George Vithoulkas’s Academy in Greece, after going to numerous seminars and clinical trainings in Homoeopathy in India (Rajan Sankaran school, homeopathic hospitals in Trivandrum and Palghar, Dr Pareek’s Centre in Agra, Dr. Prafull Vijayakar’s Homoeopathic Research and Development Foundation and others), the Netherlands (Jan Scholten), Germany, Switzerland (Dr. Dario Spinedi, Clinica Santa Croce, Orselina), Great Britain, Russia, after completing a Master’s degree in Homeopathy course in a British university I can say that the knowledge that Allen College can give you and the internship in Calcutta are fundamental and necessary for every homoeopathic practitioner.
Wishing Dr Subrata and Janet Banerjea and their colleagues further prosperity and success,”
Dr Sergey Leonov, MD, PhD (Neurology), RSHom, MSc Homeopathy
Russia & London.
“Homoeopathy lived through its golden age in numerous homoeopathic hospitals in America in the 19th century dividing later on into two main branches of Kent’s direct
“The first time I ever heard of the word Homoeopathy was in the year 2000 when I received a ‘homoeopathy distance learning kit’ instead of the original course I had applied for! That incident however, changed my life forever. Exploring it a bit further, I realized that the concepts and science behind this art of cure made sense, everything was logical, it spoke to my heart and I knew this was my true calling in life.
I started to look for colleges in the USA, UK and Europe. I spent over a year, searching, comparing and attending interviews in a wide range of colleges, wanting to select the best. One of the colleges on my list was ACH, in which I attended the summer school of 2001. By the end of day 1 I knew that the search was over and I had finally found my college.
Although the 4 year diploma course was profoundly challenging and demanding, the way it was conducted and the support I received from the tutors made it a fun and enjoyable educational experience. In Allen College we were exposed to clinical training right from the start, we had the chance to take on new cases and follow up cases throughout the course. As the time for graduation came close, dealing with patients or starting one’s own clinic didn’t sound scary at all. We were extensively prepared and trained to be professional; ready for our own clinics right away. We were equipped with solid education, excellent training and hundreds of clinical tips to handle almost every possible situation we face, with ease and confidence.
I truly believe that being an ACH student has been my best investment ever and if I were to go back in time & redo this, I would certainly choose ACH again, RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING.”
Afnan Khalidi
M.H.M.A (UK); M.H.M.A (IND); Dip.HomACH;PGDipHomACH.
P.O.BOX 9837
The video link course provides the perfect environment to pursue my passion for homoeopathy. My experience is enriched by clear defined course material, dedicated and approachable teachers, eclectic blend of Matera Medica, Philosophy and Medical Science. Bringing the learning environment into my home means I can learn and attend wherever my family commitments take me.
Sudha Srinvasan, Singapore
“I first discovered homoeopathy, by chance really. I picked up a booklet on homoeopathy in a chemist, I tried it for some ailment and it worked like magic. A few years later, I had severe back problems and went to an osteopath/acupuncturist for treatment, for a few years. I was unable to go back to my profession as a chef in London. During this time, I became very interested in the health profession. Unfortunately my osteopath died suddenly. So while flicking through Yellow Pages to find another osteopath, I came across the Allen College of Homoeopathy, I was very intrigued…………. went for an interview, the moment I arrived there, it just felt right. I started the 4 year undergraduate course in 2005. The course was excellent, great lecturers. Also a great privilege to have Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea as our main lecturer for Materia Medica for the whole 4 years. It was hard work, but all worth it.I have learnt so much, done things, that I thought I would never do, or even have thought of doing. I have been to the Bengal Allen Medical Institute, Calcutta twice, the Himalayas & Kerala. Have had the time of my life !!
I also completed the 2 year Postgraduate course at Allen College. I am continuing to build up my own practice. I am also Technical Supervisor at Allen College with my colleague Beth Hatwell, we supervise the overseas & long distance students for the Video-link UG & PG courses. The amazing thing is during my 4 years on the course I never even used a computer, I hand wrote everything. The best thing about being a homoeopath, is to have the ability to help others have a healthy, happy life.”
Donna Fox Dip Hom ACH RSHom PGHom
Registered Homoeopath –
Technical Supervisor – Allen College of Homoeopathy
” My journey into homoeopathy began in 1986 when I attended a short ‘homeopathy first aid course’. I was looking into natural medicines for using within my family. This course enabled me to use first aid remedies at home to treat minor ailments and I was truly amazed at their success.
Before this my career had been mainly in Recruitment in London, but when I had had my daughter my priorities changed somewhat and health became a much bigger focus in my life. After using homeopathy successfully on a small scale within my family I made a decision to study Homeopathy in depth to become a qualified practitioner. In 1998 I chose the Allen College of Homeopathy to study. The 4-year course was somewhat daunting but I was impressed with how well prepared it was. It included the study of anatomy, physiology, pathology, philosophy, therapeutics, and the homeopathic remedies themselves.
I had a life changing 4 years, which although challenging, was the best thing I ever did. I gained my diploma and graduated in 2002. I have never looked back and I now feel privileged in helping others become “well” in all levels of their health.”
Jan Taylor Dip.Hom.ACH, RSHom.
Registered Homeopath
“My homoeopathic journey began in 2003 when I started having homoeopathic treatment myself. Arriving at my consultation, I remember saying to my homeopath ‘can you help me?’ To my delight she did, and my world opened from then on.
With my improving health came self-awareness and a deep desire to help others back to health.
Struck with how different homoeopathy was to conventional medicine, it ‘spoke to me’. Who was I to resist?
My search to study led me to Allen College Of Homoeopathy and I have never looked back!
There, I found a new world of knowledge, learning, discussing (and hard work!) in a welcoming, unprejudiced environment.
Throughout my time at Allen College, Principal Dr. Banerjea amazed me with his dynamism, enthusiasm and knowledge of Material Medica, Vice Principal Janet Banerjea radiated warmth, humour and incredible insight into the philiosophy of homoeopathy and co-founder Ann Perry resonated with a serenity and wisdom and brought case taking ‘to life’ in the classroom.
I would recommend Allen College Of Homoeopathy to anybody looking to be a qualified homoeopath.”
Camilla Couzens-Howard, U.K.
“I doubt homeopathy was on the list of career options at school – and any way I’m not sure I would have regarded it as an option for me at that time. I studied arts and languages instead.
However, a struggle with chronic eczema in my teens, and disappointment with conventional treatment options, peaked my interest in personal health and alternative therapies. The arrival of three children(one of whose births was prompted with the use of pulsatilla), combined with my growing perception of the limitations of service and treatment offerings by GP’s, and a latent dissatisfaction with my career, led me finally to the door of homeopathy. I was 43.
The Allen College was recommended to me, and was not too far away from home. However, as this career shift, involved a significant financial and personal investment by me and my family, I needed to be convinced that Allen College was, as I put it at the time – “the real deal”. Six years later, as a professional registered homeopath, with a growing practice, I can vouch for the fact that it was.
Along with an honourable homeopathic heritage as a foundation and backdrop, it provides the perfect combination of academic rigour, clinical experience and sense of community. Discussion and debate are encouraged and the acquiring of new skills is well supported. Hard work is repaid with sufficient knowledge and confidence to embark on a sometimes challenging, but often rewarding career path. The supportive relationship with Allen College does not end there. Whether you attend the regular peer supervision sessions, student clinic days, post graduate studies or the unforgettable course of study at the Allen College in Calcutta, you become, not only part of the homeopathic heritage of the prestigious internationally renowned college, but a valuable part of the continuum.”
Daniela Karsten, Graduated 2011.
“Great education in homeopathy, for those who want to learn from the best instructors. Miasmatic Casetaking is to vital to reaching cure, and this is what ACH really focuses on. Until you address the miasm, or block to cure, you can only go so far. So very crucial to having a successful practice. Dr. Subrata Banerjea is the only one who has written a book on miasms, and it is a great resource in identifying the source of your patient’s issues. Highly recommend this school, if you want to dig deep into how homeopathy can bring great successes to your practice. Dr. Banerjea is world renowned and is a wonderful teacher. I have learned much and will continue to advance my understanding of homeopathy. I live in the USA and did the video-linked course of the Allen College.”
By Dr. Gay Hilton, N.D.
“Having been brought up with a preventative attitude toward health and healing, I became interested in alternative modalities and have utilized nutritional approaches along with vitamin and herb supplementation, tissue salts, and essential oils for many years. Initially, I was interested in becoming a naturopathic physician but, raising a family took priority and that long ago dream was put on a shelf. It wasn’t until recently that the dream I had was able to become a reality as I heard of Allen College’s online classes. The decision was made without hesitation and came at a providential time as I was beginning a new chapter in my life. I have gained more understanding and compassion towards others through my own experiences, which has been eased by the love and support of family and close friends. It is my heartfelt wish to be of service to others and offer a most efficacious time-tested healing method to, in some small way, ease the hurts of others and help them on their path of healing, better sense of well being, and happiness. One of the things I love most about homeopathy is how closely it relates to spirituality-as the layers are peeled from the lotus, the beauty of God’s perfection is able to shine forth. I am the fortunate mother of 3 daughters and have been blessed to be part of a family who embraces similar ideas. In the future, I would like to form a family business to include my daughters (a nutritionist and counselor) treating mind/body/spirit through homeopathy, nutrition, and professional counseling. I believe the classical approach of homeopathy offered at Allen College surpasses what is offered in the US and feel fortunate to be part of the Allen College family. I would invite and enjoy conversation with others of like mind to create a community to share information and further the support of homeopathy.”
Gwen Kerr
1231 Priestley Ave
Erie, Pa 16511 USA
“If you are looking for training in Classical Homeopathy, I can recommend Allen College of Homeopathy without reservation. But why should you choose Allen College?
You will get a solid grounding in Materia Medica taught from the perspective of generations of experience passed down from great-grandfather to grandfather to uncle to Dr. Subrata Banerjea, principle lecturer on Materia Medica.
You will learn homeopathy as it is taught in the “user manual” – Hahnemann’s Organon.
You will learn homeopathic philosophy as taught by the masters.
You will observe live case-taking in Allen College’s Student Clinic, starting with your very first class, and by Year Two you will be involved in live case-taking and management with expert guidance. Beginning in Year Three, you will lead the questioning of the patient, as your skill and confidence grows. You will graduate with the confidence that you can take and manage a case, because you will have expert supervision as you follow ten chronic cases of your own as a pre-requisite to receiving your diploma. What’s more, the medical doctors who teach you anatomy, physiology and clinical pathology attend Student Clinic and show you pathology in the patients, live, and on camera for those attending by WebEx. Why search the internet for pictures of gout, when a patient with gout is sitting right in front of you in your clinic, and a medical doctor who also practices homeopathy is there to explain what you are seeing?
You will learn how to determine the direction a case is going. Is it time to re-dose? Is it time to wait? Should the medicine be changed? You will learn firm rules that guide you as you follow your cases. You will learn to wait and watch with wisdom, rather than jumping from one medicine to another without a clear purpose.
You will gain a solid footing in posology – how to choose the correct potency of each medicine for each case. This is an area where most lecturers fail their students, but the long clinical experience of teachers at Allen College, combined with the generational wisdom you will receive in your training, will guide you to the correct potency, and you will be taught principles that help you choose the correct potency yourself.
Perhaps the most important thing you will learn at Allen College is how to see the surface miasm affecting your patients. This knowledge and vision guides you as you select the correct medicine. Simply stated, if your case is predominately Tubercular, you need to choose a strongly Tubercular medicine. A strongly Sycotic medicine will not do the job, no matter how much you like it. You will learn which symptoms are expressions of which miasm, and the miasmatic breakdown of the medicines available in the homeopathic Materia Medica.
I was so impressed with the focus on miasmatic prescribing and the comprehensive handouts provided in the Allen College Post-Graduate class which I attended by WebEx from America (I graduated from a four-year program in America in 2004), that I decided to go back to square one and learn miasmatic prescribing from the ground up. So I took undergraduate training again, at Allen College. I graduated with confidence this time. That alone was worth the cost of tuition.
Do you want to thrash about, trying a lightly-proved medicine followed by something new you just heard about at a seminar, seeking improvement in your patients without clear foundations or direction? Or do you want the confidence that comes from a deep understanding of the power of polycrests and smaller, well-proven medicines which have shown their utility for almost 200 years? Many times Dr. Banerjea has said, “Dr. John Henry Allen told my grandfather, and my grandfather told my uncle, and my uncle told me, and now I am telling you…” You can’t get that kind of understanding just reading books on your own.
Choose Allen College of Homeopathy for your homeopathic education. You will come away with the powerful tools of homeopathy in your hands.”
Marian Booker,
Texas, USA.
Why choose Allen College?
- Learn from inspiring world renowned Homoeopathy Lecturers and practising Homoeopaths
- Learn Medical sciences alongside Homoeopathy from medically trained Doctors who are also qualified Homoeopaths.
- Our 3 year part-time Diploma Licentiate (accredited by the Society of Homeopaths) gives your the opportunity to take your career in a new direction
- Choose our 2 year Post-graduate course (for existing Homoeopaths) and begin at any point in the year, due to its modular format.
- Learn simple methodologies and prescribe with confidence and clarity.
- Immerse yourself in a supportive and nurturing atmosphere, with students from all around the world.
- Train to become a confident and successful Homoeopath at the UK’s leading Classical Homoeopathy College.
- Engage in extensive clinical training and comparative Materia Medica, in our teaching clinic right from the beginning.
- Learn business skills and tips about setting up your own practice.
- Fully recognised by the Society of Homeopaths, granting successful graduates the prestigious RSHom status (Students can also join the Society with free membership and have access to a variety of seminars and other benefits)
- Study from a carefully structured and cohesive curriculum that is regularly evaluated and adapted.