Homoeopathy or Homeopathy

Allen College values tradition, which underpins the college’s ethos. If we look at key words which
describe the teaching and practice at Allen College, they can be found in a simple, connected word search.
Classical, authentic, conventional, established, accepted.

Classical homoeopathy is established as straightforward and simple. Our students are taught and mentored
by credible practising homoeopaths who teach and work within an established, orthodox framework.
Conventional, proven, safe, time tested methodology is taught both in class and in homoeopathic
prescribing sessions. Homoeopathy is no doubt an authentic energy medicine and combined with our
corked medicine bottle and ink pens which represent tradition and personal attention, we like to honour
the origins of this amazing healing method.

Homoeopathy or Homeopathy? Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy, was also a linguist. He
chose the title of the new system of medicine purposefully : Homoeopathy. It comes from the Greek
‘homeois’ meaning similar or like, alongside ‘pathos’ meaning suffering; putting the two together means
‘similar suffering.’ The word ‘homo’ is also Latin for ‘man’ and ‘path’ means ‘the way’ . The word itself may
contain energies which are correctly going to represent the science. According to Hahnemann homopathic
means ‘same’ which is not the basic principle. The word ‘homoeopathic’ first appeared in Hahnemann’s
essay “Indications of the Homoeopathic Employment in Medicine in Ordinary Practice, Hahnemann
himself was quite sensitive about the spelling and he said in a Nota Bene in the second volume of Materia
Medica Pura and in footnote to a Nota Bene in Lesser Writings that the omission of the dipthong [œ]
makes the root of the word mean ‘same’ and not ‘similar’. ‘Homoeis’ “cannot these persons feel the
difference betwixt ‘identical’ and ‘similar’. Are they all labouring under the same malady or stupidity?
Should not anyone who ventures to step forward as a critic of the ‘spirit of the homoeopathic doctrine’
have to begin with at least some idea of the meaning of the word ‘Homoeopathy’

Allen College of Homoeopathy.
We are a Homoeopathy College, (sometimes spelt Homeopathy College or Homeopathetic College). We
provide Homoeopathy Training, or Homeopathy Training or Homeopathetic Training and Courses. If you
are looking for a career in Homoeopathy, we would be happy to welcome you at Allen College.

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